Thursday, April 17, 2008

Feliz Cumpleaños, El Diablo!

Wishing my dear friend Dave the bestest of birthdays! Call him what you will- Brother Testface, El Diablo, Cardinal Damage, Mr. Snider, Davalicious- he is one of the raddest humans roaming this here ball of mud. My favorite tattoo artist, kick ass songwriter, musical maelstrom of creativity who plays with about- what is it now, Dave, 50 bands?- one of the best graphic designers evah, jet-setter, globe trotter, collector of curiosities, ARTIST in every possible sense of the word. He's like my brutha from anotha mutha. Love you, Davey. Hope yer bday is like, totally gnarly.

1 comment:

RWT said...

and quite the experimental cook as well : ) in collage he took out a book on making home made ice cream without a churn, then proceeded to make some of the best and worst ice cream I have ever had!