Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Drinko!

Happy Cinco de Mayo, mi amigos! I got started on my annual Cinco drinkin yesterday- since it was such a lovely day- the sort custom made for lounging about sipping margaritas and beer. It was basically the best Sunday I think I've had in years (it involved sleeping in, lots of kissing, bacon, margaritas, a picnic in the graveyard, grilling some super tasty jerk chicken- & every minute spent with my new honey, who is unbelievably rad). Tho now that I think about it- I started my Cinco drinkin on Sat afternoon at the bowling alley. I bowled a 171 and a134!!! Yay for booze! I then managed to maintain my buzz well into the evening for the Wanda Jackson show at Dante's (which was awesome!- more on that later). Needless to say- when you start drinking at 2pm & only eat a bowling alley cheeseburger all day- you wake up on the floor the next morning wondering how you got there. Still pretty mystified about that- why was I sleeping fully clothed at the foot of the bed when I could have been in the bed??? Hmmmm...I think my friend GIN has some splainin to do.

Had a funny little Cinco potluck at work today- so I am now overstuffed with chicken burritos. Muy bueno! I made some fabulous spicy mexican chocolate brownies for the shindig. I think they scared quite a few co-workers off tho. Their narrow worlds have not encountered both chocolate & peppers in the same dish, poor timid souls.

Tonight I plan to hit the liquor store for mas tequila- go home to grab my laptop & some rekkids- & then it's Beer & Damage time, kiddies. That's right- BEER & DAMAGE- from 8 to 10pm (PST) tonight on I'm told that they are now streaming on Itunes, as well- but I'll hafta look that action up & add it later. We will be in the studio swilling tequila, smokin & spinnin some killer rawk, roll, blues, trash, punk action fer ya (that's DJ Chinatown spinnin up there). We're gonna do our best to throw together some latino rock in honor of the day, too. So break out the cerveza & tune in tonight!!!

1 comment:

snider said...

god damn it! i missed your show again. Bad diablo! bacon and tequilla sounds just dandy.