Friday, April 25, 2008

Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Watchin the Clock

The sun is shining, it's warm out, it's a Friday, got less than 2 hours of work to go, listening to XTC, get to hang out with old friends later, gonna nosh some yummy fried chicken tonight & I think I'm falling in love. What a fantastic fucking day! I'd mostly forgotten how totally empowering & blissful it feels to be this happy. I like it. If I see Misery or Sorrow, I'm gonna kick their collective asses!!!

The pending weekend holds nothing but pleasant promise. More sunshine, more kisses, sleeping in late, some kick ass rock n roll, the first run of the year at grillin up some tasty jerked pork, time spent with friends, at least one good long walk in the gorgeous city I live in & a smile on my face the whole fucking time. In the immortal words of T Rex, Life's A Gas.


ianjane said...

Happiness really is underrated, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

curious minds wanna know ... whats Lacifer up to this week?