Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do You Love Me?

Today's video is from one of the most prolific love song-writers of the last 30 years. Nick Cave has seen me sobbing through countless break-ups & been the common ground for several heady love affairs. I love the imagery of this video- the neon, the seedy strip club, all the shadows & red lights & velvet curtains. It reminds me of the sort of love that happens late at night, in a dark bar reeking of booze & cigarettes, over drinks & whispered exchanges- with hinted promises of what is to come later that night. The sort of love that evaporates in bright sunlight... just because love doesn't last, doesn't mean it's not worth pursuing, right? And who among us has not at one time or another wanted to ask the person next to them "Do you love me? Really love me?"

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