Friday, February 13, 2009

Stay sick!

Ughhh...I am miserably ill. Caught the evil dreaded coughing/fever/walking nightmare that seems to be going around. On top of that- had a little spill & royally f*cked up my back. So I'm currently a bent over, shuffling, sniffling, sweating, miserable excuse for a human. And blog postings do not take precedence over the 14 hrs of sleep a day I seem to need. Sorry.

Since I'm sick- I thought I'd post something that might make all of you sick, too. So here's an old Meatloaf video- with Cher, no less. Now you can call me names- but I still think that Bat Out of Hell is one of the best albums of my misty-eyed youth & I STILL listen to it, karaoke it & know every word to every song. But everything else the Loaf has done since is dead to me (barring his acting career- which I respect). I don't know what album this came from- but it is not what I call classic Meatloaf, despite the fact that he is wearing his signature ruffle tux shirt & carrying his little red hankie. And is it just me or is Cher's make-up so metallic that she kinda looks like a slutty robot? This is pretty much everything bad about the 80s all wrapped up in one excruciating duet. It is bad. Maybe so bad, it's good? You decide...check out Dead Ringer For Love.

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